That’s good to hear! Did the noise ever die down a little? I’ve heard that after a few weeks sometimes the noise can get lower again, it makes the noise mainly as a game starts up, idle it’s really quiet, if I start a game like the Witcher 3 for example then you can hear it get louder as the game boots up but as soon as I press continue and I’m in game the sound gets quieter again but it’s still there, Did this happen with you? I can’t hear it through my case and fans when playing so that’s good. Still next time try to take MSI EVGA or Asus. All my Gigabyte cards came with this sound from the begining, all 3 i boughted as new on sales, and all tree made this sound. The problems are at fans with that small balls or bearing that make bad noise. Worked well with no other problems but this sound.